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02/22/07 2:49 PM

#15465 RE: dirtdog #15464

I have no problem with people who review past performance. I have no problem with a full discussion both pro and con.

Unfortunately, you discussion is neither of the above. It is fully twisted! Perverse even in its accuracy and purpose.

For example, in you past 3 posts:
Haliburton - you speak of such in the past tense, accusing Tom of hiding info when such work has yet to be performed. Sorry, the completion rig and independent testing has NOT been done, by anyone. But it will be done in the near future.

Another - you make the false accusation of the board being one sided! Another misleading and twisted statement to serve your hidden true purpose. You certainly did not miss the very recent past discussion both pro and con on the stock structure.

Your tongue is forked, your words are misleading. I continue to question your true motivation, as should all, especially actual stock holders.

EDEX will stand or fall, for the near term on the 3rd party opinion of the completion rig and testing performed. Those results will be released, good or bad, as soon as possible, which is how Tom has performed in the past. Again, quit assuming Tom has control over that which he does not.

One thing on which we will agree, when the truth does come out on the findings of the completion rig, then we will know.


02/22/07 2:53 PM

#15466 RE: dirtdog #15464

dirtdog, I have no problem with you posting factual info. What I have a problem with is the redundant posts. I got it the first time. Good luck to you .

BTW, I don't think you can classify the positive posts here as RAH RAH Rah and to the moon posts, at least none of mine that I can think of.....
