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10/03/23 12:20 PM

#453053 RE: livefree_ordie #453052

AI furnished a cogent, persuasive, response to your fanciful case for libertarianism; as did the Federalist Papers excerpt.

You're way too loose with your use of the word 'tyranny' as applied the the U.S., though Trump has laid out his dictatorial plans to implement tyranny in great detail:

Is America on the brink of tyranny? Trump's plan if elected in 2024 should frighten us all.

A bureaucracy purged of those loyal to the Constitution rather than to Donald Trump will send free and fair elections to history's landfill, along with the Bill of Rights.

There is much concern being expressed with the uses of AI by the creators, the Congress and by organized labor all pointing to the need for constraints on AI. In other words some non-libertarian methods to protect all of us.

Some form of the following will no doubt be applied as a guideline for regulation.

AI may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. AI must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. AI must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.,the%20First%20or%20Second%20Law.

Need to rid the World of the A.I. scourge that is to come, and is here now in full play by those who aim to do us all harm.


10/03/23 12:36 PM

#453054 RE: livefree_ordie #453052

livefree_ordie: Not a bad post!! But you leave out one important fact. In A republican Trump government you break just (1) one of Trumps rules, No second chance. You break even one it's off to the rock pile you go!!! With Trump it is always my way or the Rock Pile!!!!!!


10/03/23 12:38 PM

#453055 RE: livefree_ordie #453052

you keep on caterwauling about our debt but seem to ignore the ability to fix it and that is by adding revenue and also cutting some tax breaks (which is also considered spending) why do you ignore revenue? Cutting spending will never get you there.


10/03/23 2:38 PM

#453060 RE: livefree_ordie #453052

Obviously, you are not a true libertarian, I say that because you accept Social Security as a good thing, which it is. Like most Americans, we are not one party or the other, except when an election actually does come around. You have no choice but to vote for the party that will best give you a chance at succeeding in what you hold dear.

Most Americans have differing views on the great issues of the day. I doubt very much that anyone is all one way or another, except, maybe the extreme people of each party.

Most Americans are quite easy in their approach to many of the issues of the day. Especially if it hits home, like happening within their own family. I know many Catholics who have had abortions and thought nothing of it. It was done from a difficult decision, like it is for anyone. People think that when it comes to making a decision that it is cut and dry, without long thought. Or that a political party actually made a difference when they had to make that decision.

As for the Post Office, again that it is contained within the Constitution, so if the forefathers thought it was important, then it stays. The only reason it has financial problems is that the Republicans voted to pay for future health care, and they decided on a figure, and that is taken from the Post Office each year. As for abuses, everything is done by individuals within the government, and when it comes to money, everyone pads the bill to make their budget. Now measure it against all of the good that the military, Medicare, and Education provides each year.

This is the REAL world, not a utopian world, another reason I would never be a libertarian. Ideals are wonderful, but reality is something else. Once again America has never defaulted on its debt, the reason why the American dollar is still loved all over the world. It might be paper currency, but it is respected currency by the entire world. Sure, Israel gets some money, the history of the Jewish race was a lapse in the good judgment of all of mankind, and America never wants to see that happen again.

As for wages and investing, not everyone has the capability to invest. Once again taxes are a good thing. Everyone should pay them, at least 14 % of everything should be paid on everything you make, period, no exceptions. Everyone gains from a strong America, from infrastructure, and the American lifestyle . Besides 14 % is CHEAP.