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10/02/23 11:34 AM

#20685 RE: StevenRisk #20684

The temporary budget deal only gets them to December, so they need to continue coming up with a budget or we're right back in the same place, facing a shutdown. And that is increasingly likely since the next few weeks will be taken up with the GOPs in the house attempting an ousting of McCarthy - yet one more distraction to get to a budget. And if he's ousted, getting to a bipartisan agreement seems even less likely. And don't forget, there's Hunter Biden and impeaching Joe which is all more far important than legislation. Congress has trouble doing one thing at a time, doing two like passing a budget and safe banking seems unlikely now this year. The House GOP may sour on it, which is likely. Maybe these clowns will surprise us but I doubt it. instead, MJ stocks will sink again due to the ongoing lack of action in Congress creating the same despair of passage again, and we'll be talking about safe banking in January with no true sense of if it will be taken up again and when.