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09/29/23 3:46 PM

#16535 RE: Chartmaster #16490

What a loser. LOL So what does buying a trip play and holding it to .002 have to do with any chart? Nothing. LOL and that worked in early 2021, not in this market. So you buy a trip play at say .0004 and it hits .0016 and you sell nothing and take no profits? Brilliant. What an idiot! In this market most going up go back down. Smart people take profits on any movers in this market. Like I have said you made nothing for 20 years of charting before the hot 3 or 4 months late 2020 and early 2021 and haven't made a dime charting the OTC since. Everyone who owned OTC plays then made money. In fact you have lost money in the OTC since April 2021. Why? Because charts don't work in the OTC and you are a fraud with just hyperbole for attention. LMFAO

BDPT will be just fine. I average .0012 and can wait. Already riding freebies here. AAPJ with a .16 call by you now at .0006 which I have owned a long time at a .0005 average. Great charting Chartfraud. When you show up to any ticker I own I cringe. Like your EPAZ call which I have also owned a long time. As soon as you show up it drops. You are right 20% of the time and wrong 80% I look forward to the next, nailed it. LMFAO A monkey throwing darts at a dart board could pick OTC winners better than you! Maybe you should hire one. LOL