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Diogenes of Sinope

09/29/23 8:30 AM

#36947 RE: Mojocash #36944

The UAW VP for GM also said this;

Booth said trump’s visit to Detroit is disingenuous given his past. In a video about plant closings that the union released Wednesday morning, 2017 footage shows Trump promising autoworkers in Ohio he would save their jobs. But in 2019 GM closed its Lordstown Assembly plant in northeast Ohio, displacing thousands of workers there and helping lead to the union's 2019 strike against GM

"Where were his rallies for striking workers when we were on the picket line in 2019? Where are the jobs he promised to return to the U.S. while on the campaign trail in 2015?" Booth said. "The proof is in the pudding. His actions in office went to enrich the very elite few while the working class of America stagnated. This stunt is another ploy to pull the wool over the eyes of the working class. Again!”


09/29/23 9:07 AM

#36948 RE: Mojocash #36944

Trump campaign arranged for fake audience members at his recent speech in Detroit:

Everything about this guy is fake .


09/29/23 9:22 AM

#36950 RE: Mojocash #36944

What a True American Patriot says

President Biden delivers blistering attack on #P01135809

President Biden issued a broad and blistering attack against former president donald j. trump on Thursday, accusing his predecessor of inciting violence, seeking unfettered power and plotting to undermine the Constitution.

In his most direct condemnation President Biden portrayed mr. trump as a budding autocrat with no fidelity to the tenets of American democracy and who is motivated by hatred and a desire for retribution. While he usually avoids referring to mr. trump by name, Biden this time held nothing back as he offered a dire warning about the consequences of trump .

“This is a dangerous notion, this former president is above the law, no limits on power,” President Biden said in a speech in Tempe, Ariz. “trump says the Constitution gave him, quote, the right to do whatever he wants as president, end of quote. I never heard a president say that in jest. Not guided by the Constitution or by common service and decency toward our fellow Americans but by vengeance and vindictiveness.”


What Traitor Trump says

Windmills are killing whales, electric boat motors will kill people, you need an ID to buy bread, he ran against Obama in 2016, he warned that Biden will get us into World War II, and said Jeb Bush got us involved in the Middle East.



09/30/23 8:09 PM

#36977 RE: Mojocash #36944