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09/27/23 1:56 PM

#37551 RE: HokieHead #37549

Hell, you're more OBSESSED with that ticker and what I did there than I am!

But, again, it was GREAT at the time!! My mistake was holding too long and NOT taking profits. I GOT GREEDY!! Oh well, live and learn. Sort of like $GVSI on pink limited day after being stuck in the Expert Market for some 15 months. I SHOULDA sold at the pink limited pop but there were some here who were so convinced it was going to go much higher and, so, some believed them. And why not, THEY are the trading "geniuses" who know-it-all, right?

Remember this when someone said they thought it'd close @.05 on pink limited day?

Close at $0.05? Lmfao. Can’t wait to catch up on that tomorrow. When the current holders have no interest in selling for $0.05-$0.08 and folks are calling to get in they will be paying above the ask I am sure.

Oops. Oh well, yet another learning experience and I was learning who NOT to listen to as much as I used to. Indeed, it was probably around that time when I started listening to what GS had been saying:

Pumpers have an agenda

Stop listening to pumpers!

And, recently, even called one out by NAME!

George Sharp - Advocate for truth in the OTC
Gawd, I wish the pumpers would stop pumping my stocks. I mean you @D**********
7:39 AM · Aug 7, 2023

And note GS said "pumpers", PLURAL!!

And, one does have to wonder, why do you think GS is warning people about them??