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09/22/23 10:17 AM

#224872 RE: misiu143 #224871

So 82% in leronlimab CD12 study , 82% in mortality benefit ABOVE any other drug in a dying , critical patients was not even looked at..

So you continue to engage in fraud by yodeling the 82% nonsense correct?---

“Moreover, Pourhassan was aware he was engaging in fraud because he was repeatedly told by many, including the FDA, that his statements to investors were false and misleading — and he nevertheless continued in a relentless campaign of lies to raise millions of dollars and make himself rich by illegally selling company stock based on material, nonpublic information," the government's brief says.

FDA said- "None of these analyses met statistical significance when using established and reliable analytical methods that correct for multiple comparisons."
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09/22/23 11:20 AM

#224886 RE: misiu143 #224871

Project Veritas as your source?? That is hilarious and as credible as your friend nodder. Nothing but phony baloney wasting other peoples money . Then being sued. Same same

Odd what a real audit can find. Odd how these are always a few years too late when the crooks are gone with the $$

Project Veritas--vyera--khazempourhassan. All same same
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09/22/23 11:51 AM

#224890 RE: misiu143 #224871

And they did not even look at the old jabs nor this new one being hyped. Where are the studies for the public to research? Why is it the fda cannot follow their own guidelines?
The data/studies.trials are almost non existent. The hidden ones show a horror story. Yet, they get a Presidential nod while the fda agrees and smiles.
So who is behind all this muck? To think that some pigeons here actually think the fda is legitimate and lilly white. They have so
much blood on their hands, that to support the fda/illegitimate health system is purely abetting the enemy. Are these fools blind or party to the killing?

The developments over the past few years have been remarkable. Now the Pig Pharmas are reaping a poor covid harvest. What is a leader supposed to do?
Will we see lots of wandering around and mandate proposals, but Joe Peon says no mas. Jab all the immigants, like it or not, and watch the hospitals get flooded.
Who will pay the tab? Uncle Sam can print all he needs to a point of no return which is coming any dayweekmonth now. Non-believing anti covid vaxxers are going to get the taste/cost of not being fooled. It's called Ebola.... and just in time for the next years Nov 24 party. Why do they want to ruin a good party?

The public has awakened. Even my few woke friends are leery, now that they see so many of their own dying and suffering like flies on dead pigeons.

There is no legitimate excuse for the actions of the fed mafia fda. People see the cold planned population extermination game. The same game played in Nazi Germany leading up to WW2. History is repeating itself. I choose to live and live freely. My body my choice. Give me leronlimab or give me death. This double entendre strikes to the heart of the matter we all face. Choosing life and freedom and good health is what it boils down to. Watch, the fight is on, and just now really heating up. $CYDY$