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09/21/23 6:23 PM

#124134 RE: straightword #124132

It's cool how facts can he ascertained via inference and/or indirect observations.

That's how we know so much about things we can't even see or touch or feel, like atoms and nano particles.

And also via patterns, like those you mentioned.

So the "cheap talk with no results".........
for like very valid in concluding how it "shows the value" of the patents or the lack thereof.

In the same way......INFERENCE..... I have demonstrated how the lack of any purchases, licensing, settlements or partnerships.........
And how no one (with enough bread) in the freaking history of humankind, has EVER left some of that ALLEGED HUMONGOUS VALUE on the table for anyone else especially competitors, to get froggy and snatch up out from under them. Again, never in the history of mankind........... And I realized that long ago and have made note of it so many times as it is a Very valid consideration and there are those out there who KNOW IT....... and won't admit it.

INFERENCE, once tested, emits truth. Time is one of the tests, in the sense that for something to truly have value, that value should be able to be realized in a reasonable and commensurate amt of time. 10 to 20 yrs isn't commensurate. Where do I get off saying 10 to 20 yrs? I'll tell ya... The now patented techno was allegedly created (who knows?) nearly 20 yrs ago. We'll say 15 to be on the safe side. IF the technology or the patents pending was as good and necessary and foundational as the world was told........THERE IS NO QUESTION those capable of realizing that value as well as that power......would have snatched it up, hell, before vplm even heard about them. They would've been GONE BABY..........LIKE THE WIND!!! IN NO TIME.


Oh, and I almost forgot...... don't insult the above with mention of intermittent wiper stories......duh.....there is no comparison whatsoever in this universe or the ones on either side of us.