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09/20/23 10:23 PM

#91731 RE: stervc #91730

Great post Stervc. Thanks for laying it out for all of us to understand. Looks like MONI is executing step by step, albeit slow, its turnaround efforts in order to eventually graduate to new value levels.

The first step it to put the management in place to execute and build/manage the value, hence the addition of Scott Harmolin which you have explained well.

It's been a long time in the making and waiting for MONI shareholders. Let's hope we get some good updates in the future.


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09/20/23 11:50 PM

#91736 RE: stervc #91730

Scott Harmolin, MONI's new President is an absolute blessing to MONI shareholders and we are very lucky to have him. Looks to me that every single company that Scott Harmolin has worked for, founded, or ran as a CEO, CTO, Principal or consultant has been very successful and is still in business and continues to be successful to this day. I cant find one single failure from this guy. He is a real deal winner in life, and that can not be disputed. He literally has the Midus touch as everything he's touched in his carrier seems to turn to gold, and become and stay successful. I challenge anyone who has been trading OTC stocks for more than a decade to due proper research on Scott Harmolin's carrier, and see how he stacks up against your typical President of your typical OTC company. Spoiler alert: he blows them out of the fuggen ocean. This guy Scott Harmolin is a proven champion in business development and company management with an incredible carrier, and he just officially became the President of MONI. Thank GOD! We're Golden!

Great find with this piece Stervc...

Qwest was later bought out by CenturyLink.

CenturyLink later merged to be Lumen Technologies which generated revenues of $17.48 Billion: .'%20(,recorded%20in%20the%20previous%20year.

Mr. Harmolin was born in 1959 which makes him 64 years old. That means that he was only 32 years old when he co founded and developed Icon CMT Corp/Qwest Communication which is now doing over 17 billion in revenue. That makes him a genius and a prodigy imo. It's incredible.

Check this out Stervc...after he co-founded, developed Icon CMT Corp and sold it to Quest Communications for 180 million dollars, he became the CEO of Centerseat Inc. in 1999 when Centerseat Inc. started. While he held the reins as CEO for Centerseat, he did a 20 million dollar VC raise with the Sumitomo Corporation that currently has a market cap of $26.17 Billion. Sumitomo the world's 685th most valuable company. Keep in mind that Mr. Harmolin did this when he was 39 years old! Before this man was even fourty, he cofounded Icon which is now a 17 bullion dollar company and was doing 20 million dollar capital rases with Sumitomo.

That's just what he accomplished in his 30's. Keep digging into this guys career and you will see nothing but success. The dudes living in a million dollar home that is literally on the shore of the Hudson river on the New Jersey side and has what has to be an absolutely breathtaking view of upper Manhattan. What an absolute success story with this guy. Do you know If he is going to be the CEO? I'd be so damn excited if he is. This is almost unbelievable compared to the caliber of executives that run our typical OTC's that we've been trading. If this is who MONI is leading with as they announce their team, I might pass tf out from excitement when they announce the next 3.

I think you are right on the money with this statement Stervc, and after doing basic research on Mr. Harmolin, this is also what I am choosing to believe:

This was the perfect ”Exit Strategy” and this is what I believe what is being set up here with MONI. He is here to see to it that MONI grows to generate over $100 Million in revenues like his other company and gets bought out by a huge Multi-billion dollar company. This is what I'm choosing to believe.

Thank you Stervc! Cheers!