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09/15/23 7:28 PM

#336 RE: IH Geek [Meatloaf] #331

Just the way the top line with Favorites... etc. is laid out. The little envelope instead of the word Mailbox. The microscopic profile pic that takes you to profile, settings... etc.
Favorites page: the junk to the right of the list of favorites.
Not a fan of the S&P... etc. bar either but I understand that this is a "financial" website.

For those of us who know how to read and write, it is highly frustrating to deal with little pictures instead of words.
It seems like we're heading back to the age of cave dweller drawings for communication.
Guess that's how you make the high-tech world available to the hoi polloi.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I guess I'm just old and in the way.
We geezerettes can be very cranky when slammed with the 21st Century "innovations" for the semi-literate.
Enough out of me. Good luck.