There’s really not a lot to talk about. The process continues as we wait on FINRA to affect the name and ticker change. Then the next step.
I don’t post as much as I used to, but if I come here daily just to read and see some new negativity, I just put them on the bus 🚌.
I liked calling it the train 🚂 before, but someone called it the Iggy Bus 🚌, and the photo of the Bus is much cooler.
So I transferred everyone off the train 🚂, and put them on the nice yellow bus 🚌.
Notice that the Bus 🚌 is a SHORT YELLOW BUS!! 🤣🤣🤣
Love the Bus!!! 🚌🚌🚌
Love putting people on the Bus, it’s free!!!
Love also that it’s a SHORT BUS too, remember the Short Yellow Bus when you were a kid? 🤣
Very appropriate here.