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02/22/07 10:23 AM

#6409 RE: tzcreg #6408

Re: context of a license/royality deal

tzcreg, welcome to the board. We see this type of business model in the industry and you do get an exponential jump in revenues once you get them up and running.

As far as your comments into "(they will be loosing Drexel)" It's possible that after the lab project is completed and Drexel turns over the technology it will become more difficult to run clients through their facility. On the flip side remember Drexel has an interest in this as a partner and if it takes a demonstration and client interface with the scientists I think they will accommodate them, but W2 will need to have their own equipment up and running at some point.

What I think is important here is I think the next couple of months that W2 can tour clients through Drexel will make it posible to generate the opportunities W2 is seeking. It's like this is the time to close the deals W2 has been lining up over the last year because of the unencumbered accessibility to the Drexel lab.

Nice extrapolation on the numbers. My 10-cent figure is speculation do you have anything more accurate?