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09/12/23 7:26 PM

#452238 RE: livefree_ordie #452236

livefree_ordie, Firstly i don't think any of the "armed" ones you listed were charged with sedition or insurrection. As always, am happy to be corrected if wrong.

Secondly, on Tarrio, Rhodes and any other who were convicted of "seditious conspiracy" (if there were any others) you are telling us you know better than the prosecutors who were successful how to interpret and lay down the law as it stands. And you know better than the judges involved. And the jurors. You are telling us you know better than all the judges and the prosecutors, and better than all the jurors who voted for conviction. That is your positions, isn't it?

Can only say your view of your own smarts must be comparable to Trump's of his.

Whatever, guarantee you are not going to see any findings of innocence in any of these
cases at all comparable to any of the 1000s of worst in US history. Let alone these five:

The Five Worst Wrongful Conviction Cases in U.S. History

July 28, 2023 | By Kerry Armstrong

When the criminal justice system accuses or convicts a person of a crime they did not commit, it is a horrible miscarriage of justice.

These famous wrongful conviction cases are horrific and cause an innocent person and their loved ones immense harm, psychologically, financially, and physically.

Most importantly, they may strip the innocent of their freedom, sometimes forever. Here are five situations involving the wrongfully convicted—cases that demonstrate the worst of these situations.

If you have been charged with a crime in the San Diego area, the criminal defense lawyers at The Law Offices Kerry L. Armstrong, APLC are ready to help.

We use our skills, experience, and resources to give you the best possible chance of getting your case dismissed.

To speak with a criminal defense lawyer in California, please contact us today online or call us at 619-304-2058.

1 The Central Park 5
2 Henry and Leon McCollum
3 Duke University Lacrosse Team
4 Wrongful Conviction Cases in California
4.1 Kimberly Long
4.2 Suzanne Johnson
5 Contact a California Criminal Defense Lawyer at The Law Offices of Kerry L. Armstrong, APLC Today


Duke University Lacrosse Team

The third spot on this troubling list goes to the Duke University Lacrosse Team. Duke University is an elite private institution known for a student body filled with students who are:

Academically strong,
From well-off families, and
Great athletes.

In the early 2000s, members of the men’s lacrosse team at the university were riding high. The team had been incredibly successful.

But the 2006 season was cut short when several Duke players were falsely accused of rape.

Like the Central Park 5, the Duke students were all teens or young men. The media coverage of the case was massive, and the public early on turned against the Duke athletes.

But the similarities between the cases end there.

The Duke players were primarily members of well-connected families, and all immediately denied the allegations. Their families hired strong defense attorneys right away and fought back in the media.

While there clearly was evidence that a crime took place in the Central Park 5 case, there was no immediate definitive evidence of an assault in the Duke case.

As a result of solid legal representation and eventual scrutiny of the cases’ validity, the prosecutor dropped all charges against the young men.

But the players had already been convicted in the court of public opinion, and the loss of their lacrosse season was the least of the impacts of these wrongfully accused cases.

The accused suffered ongoing public censure and doubt, emotional trauma, notoriety they did not ask for or deserve, and, for some, the inability to continue with their education at Duke. The trauma to them remains.


09/12/23 8:10 PM

#452242 RE: livefree_ordie #452236

Using your logic, there were barely 30 Saudi nationals who took over those four airplanes on Sept. 11, 2001. They just wanted to fly those planes and land them in the twin towers, the pentagon, and the fourth plane did not make is pass Shanksville, PA. Some times you just need enough people to do some real harm to democracy. Trump supporters were even worse, the entire world was shaken by an American President trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.


09/12/23 9:20 PM

#452243 RE: livefree_ordie #452236

People took up arms against the government. Giving aid and comfort to them is wrong.

I think you should be in prison. I think Donald Trump should be in prison. And I don't think either of you is qualified to hold any office under the United States of America.

Esteemed legal scholars on the left and right agree with me. Scumbags agree with you. All you have to offer is violence.