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09/12/23 12:35 PM

#107283 RE: researcher59 #107282


Re, there gets to a point in one's life, when you have enough to be comfortable, you don't want to take anymore chances. For me, that's now. I have left myself 6%-7% of my total cash to play with, and I have plenty shares of GERN, and if successful, I could make a bundle. In the meantime, living off guaranteed interest income is comforting, and takes a lot of pressure off. I worked hard for years with the stocks to get to this point. However after watching what's happened to me this year, and knowing how risky this market is IMO, I'd rather be no part of it. Maybe I'll take a shot here and there with much smaller amounts that I used to do, and try to build it up again. Right now, I'm waiting for my portfolio to be transferred, so can't do anything. I do plan to buy another 10K shares of GERN though, as soon as the transfer goes through, assuming we're at around $2.30. Re, there are several analysts giving GERN price targets and the average right now is $5. Vanguard and Blackrock, and other Institutions keep adding shares, and Institutional ownership is at an all time high as of June 30, 2023.