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09/08/23 11:08 AM

#123612 RE: sunspotter #123610

The "ironie" LOL. So, you are looking at the filing/digging at it(never would you/could you come up with a positive) to an extent you come up with a boilerplate issue. THAT'S ALL YOU GOT???? NUTT'N ELSE??? LOL.. Sweeping through and the best you can do is a boilerplate issue. WOW, THE CROWD GOES WILD!

The form 4... Oh, no..

VPLM is taking this "suggesting that the SEC have...bullshit/bullshit/bullshit"...seriously. The fun be com'n... Ah, I've never thought of Emil as an overly litigious sorta fellow...

Happy digging, maybe next time you can find where VPLM doesn't cross a t, or dot an i...?

Not the rules requiring timely filing of Form 4s. They've been in place for years, but Babs chooses to treat them with contempt.

Until they were all filed in a flurry, suggesting that the SEC have decided to -finally - take an interest in this share selling scam.

"Also, the brokerage where she sells the shares has required the appropriate forms from the get."

PS Does no one else think it's odd that the new CFO doesn't know his own name, and doesn't even read the filings he's attesting to having read with a legally binding signature?

Obviously they didn't, but who gave you that clearly false information? (I can guess, but why don't you tell me anyway.)




09/08/23 11:32 AM

#123614 RE: sunspotter #123610

My understanding is that the new CFO is a female, not a male?


09/08/23 11:33 AM

#123616 RE: sunspotter #123610

Your due diligence is massively dated. You should spend more time educating yourself instead of trying to control the narrative.


09/08/23 1:42 PM

#123635 RE: sunspotter #123610

"PS Does no one else think it's odd that the new CFO doesn't know his own name, and doesn't even read the filings he's attesting to having read with a legally binding signature?"

Considering they put out a white paper and used the word "tenants" instead of the correct word "tenets", when describing, ironically, the attributes of the company, as if they were the rent managers.......and it was my understanding that a white paper was more or less supposed to be a professionally put together kind of brochure for all to see, so I was embarrassed for the company and I contacted them to alert them to that not just bad spelling but wrong word with wrong meaning....oh, and it (tenants) was repeated several times in that white paper, which meant that it wasn't simply a typo or momentary mistake. It meant the writer did not know the word was tenets. Anyway, they simply ignored my contact and left that whitepaper to stay that way in perpetuity as far as I know cuz I checked back numerous times afterwards and it wasn't fixed.

Also, and I wonder if you remember this incident... They were putting pictures to the names ornthe BOD on the website and I can't remember which guy it was but someone posted that one of the pics was not the guy listed as a board member and was just some random guy not even associated with vplm and then they had to change the picture.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention with the above items, that they put out a PR that claimed basically a sale was imminent of being negotiated or something along those lines and I think it was allegedly with a fortune 500 guy possibly. Some time later, not positive but I believe it was Sawyer who put out a special PR exposing and explaining that THAT previous claim was bogus and was due to a lie from a last employee.

Can you make this stuff up? Yes. Am I? Nope, all true.

And so the answer to your question is NO, it's not odd at all. It's par for the course for the #1 OTC pennystock in its BEST POSITION EVER, run by the leader with no followers, in the industry.


09/08/23 2:11 PM

#123642 RE: sunspotter #123610

If I'm not mistaken, the rules changes, which I just happen to have posted here a couple months ago, required an even quicker required response time for filing, like 4 days. But, what I'd like to know, is if that applies if the sales were done within the 10b15 (or whatever that number is supposed to be) and if so, did she set these sales up under that rule? I thought that perhaps she did cuz I thought I saw and indication on the form that she had signed in a place that is supposed to indicate as much......but then such a mob keeps posting about what a devil in a blue dress she is, that I began to doubt that I had that part right and that maybe she really did not file under 10b15 rules (sorry if I keep typing the wrong number).

Since I posted the rules here, you'd think I'd be more sure but I'm not.

Ok, it's 10b5-1