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09/08/23 9:10 AM

#2786 RE: Blue and Black Blood #2785

@BBB... If the IPO fails, you're probably right. If it succeeds, then I don't see the point of the vitriol. It always was a risky bet, and our chips are still on the table. If they get the money for the clinical trials, they will have done what very few stem cell companies have done, which is to enter the world of legitimate, FDA-approved, domestic clinical trials. It's still a longshot from there -- as any small, early-stage biotech is. Further dilution is all but certain. But if these early trials go well, the share price will outgrow the dilution. Obviously, if the early trials fail, it's probably game over for the early shareholders, and Jack Zamora will likely own what's left for his offshore treatment and "cosmetic dermatology for the Aspen crowd" businesses. But that's the nature of this type of investment. You win big or lose it all. If that's your definition of "PoS", then I can't argue. For me, it's more like "this is what I signed up for when I got interested in a woefully underfunded penny stock 16 years ago".