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Jimmy Joe

09/06/23 2:37 PM

#128635 RE: imrichbeotch #128620

"AA really phucked this up."

Bullshit. J FK was quoted as saying perception is everything.
Shills like you keep this narrative going.

Kenny boy is hard at work. 4 to 1 buys over sells and the algorithm has $AMC walked down.

Meanwhile that Puerto Rican Investment Advisors is $590 million betting against $AMC. This entity was born in 2021.

Who are they connected to~?

Phase 6 coming soon. Expired derivative contracts. The criminals cpntinue.

Net leaving. Not selling.

$AMC not going bankrupt anytime soon.

Gensler has NO solution with which to protect retail investors, therefore he lets them run amuck.
Gary Gensler CDEL employee of the year.
