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09/02/23 11:18 AM

#123242 RE: keepemcloser #123239

To say "can be" is incorrect. All patents are valid so it's "are" not "can be". There is no such thing as can be patents.

Furthermore, by virtue of the FACT FACT FACT that they were created near 20 yrs ago and cannot be licensed, settled on, or sold, they have zero value by default. Value means that something can be sold. Vplm patents cannot. So they have no value. Peeps WISH they had value. Peeps HOPE they have value. Peeps SWEAR they have value and peeps ASSIGN value to them..........but..........sadly.........they have no value.......... EXCEPT as a teaser to entice peeps to buy shares...........which is what vplm really is after stripping away all the peels. An e-gip-shun Emu, with a laptop, sitting in a pizza booth, and claiming to be the LEADER OF THE INDUSTRY after failing to even get past a single day in his lawsuit claiming he wrote Avatar...After running the Granville Hotel into the ground and bankruptcy after doing stuff like hiring reported bro pimp to run nightclub (shows mngmt skills). And after apparently failed operas and children's books. After failing to keep DIGIFONICA alive. After failing to keep a single board member on board except for that lying SOB, Chang. And then progressing to 10 years complete failure to license, partner, settle, or sell the company AFTER making the conscious decision to turn the company into the poster child of patent trolls, instead of the promised integration with the alleged vplm voip service platform.......which was also a joke.......Then, it took him years to even send letters of infringement to the companies he claims are infringing, except they weren't even bona fide infringement letters. They were love letters which suggested to the CEOs that "maybe they might be infringing" so the CEOs all told vplm to go pound salt. Which means the entire debacle was a share selling, share printing, personal ATM for him and cabal. Now if makes sense.


09/02/23 11:20 AM

#123243 RE: keepemcloser #123239

Ya and according to albright he emphasizes his "firm belief that intellectual property is a vital component to the country". The patents have more than earned their standing 28 times, and again in his own words "he therefore has a personal duty to be a fair judge" And according to him he has "great faith" in juries' to grasp the complexity of patent law. Connect those dots. Lol