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09/01/23 9:44 PM

#1039 RE: cashmagnet #1038

Ask yourself common sense questions, I got into this a little while ago from 21-23 cents, still holding not much though, just 30,000 shares. I had Moderna at 17-18 right before covid hit 8000 shares long and was posting that stock was going to triple digit dollars and it did of course didn't hold to the top but sold between 30-35 dollars, one morning it was 500 dollars premarket, cause they had 50 plus pipeline and indications going through the roof. I asked myself this question, if these guys really have the science like some guy says they do, someone would come in and pay of all the toxic funders and aim to get them on Nasdaq where they could do quality direct offerings, 500,000 dollars from accredited institutional investment is not going to cut it. I am going to stay and see how India plays out for them. There is still dilution on this stock and it prevents it from going up. There is only one love story in the OTC.


09/04/23 12:16 AM

#1040 RE: cashmagnet #1038

Covid is here to stay, just like the flue. The difference is that the Non toxic antiviral technology $BIXT has will have repeat sales to 9 Billion people year round, for every new wave of Covid and it can be adapted for the Flu and future corona viruses and strains. $BIXT tech is non toxic.
It can used as an oral pill for Covid (India trial is in the last part of the phase III trial already) and the US FDA IND is the first and only viable Long Haul Covid trial.
The India trial data is saying it will work for long haul covid, because it works for covid.

I called the Moderna buy in March 2020, before most people new Covid was going to be a problem based on the science.

Now here is the catch. Covid is so wide spread now, and mutates so fast, and it is jumping from Humans to deer, and Mink and back to humans, with massive new mutations they will never get rid of it with vaccines. And they can not make and test and distribute vaccines fast enough.

BIXT's antiviral works differently that the vaccines.
The Vaccines do not block cell infection.
The BIXT non toxic antiviral drug blocks the Covid / corona spikes so they can not infect human cells.
So no matter how many mutations the Covid comes up with the BIXT will still block off the spikes and their ability to attach to and infect cells.
So Infected people, can take the pill or IV and be back at work on day 4.

The new waves, Covid mutations that evade the vaccines and natural immunity world wide will keep coming, so demand for the BIXT drug will be steady world wide.

The drug can also work on Other corona viruses like the flue. This is going to be the best thing since sliced bread.
