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08/24/23 11:07 AM

#765038 RE: Brooge warrants cancelled #764982

fann pref?

Yes, this only pertains to Fannie junior prefs.

Fannie commons were not part of the lawsuit. In addition, if I remember correctly one of the lawyers said during the first trial that Fannie commons weren't eligible to be part of the class because of the terms of their contract. If that's correct Fannie commons will not be able to bring their own breach of implied covenant suit and will therefore get nothing at all as a result of this trial verdict, even if the amount goes up on appeal.

Given that FNMA trades above FMCC, and that even if FNMA holders could get similar damages to FMCC, it would be far better to hold FMCC than FNMA if one wished to own the common right now.