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08/23/23 9:52 AM

#122600 RE: straightword #122592

Oh, I read in DETAIL and...

Who is "ben"?

A "sown trend"? Is that were VPLM is up nearly 100% on the year?

"Most people don't believe in this company"? Well, with 8 Billion++++ people in the world, I'd have to agree. I never concern myself with "most peoples' beliefs", as most people ain't so swift... I concern myself with holders; I spoke with one earlier who has 200mm shares, he believes... I believe and I would guess most holders believe....

Enough for now....just a light banter while we wait...

Read my post in detail. Accept my challenge and prove me wrong. You can't!! The FACT is that the share price is less than .03 and has ben on a sown trend. Even the cheap talk about court dates can't get it moving in the upward direction. This only tells you that most people don't believe in this company and their story. Talking about it when it was .45 means absolutely nothing.


Hay Day

08/23/23 10:05 AM

#122603 RE: straightword #122592

Related to court dates, my interest is in those that have been waiting for a new adjusted date by Albright and have yet to be scheduled. The long wait should tell everyone that the Albright rocket docket is stalled for a likely very good reason. Watch for a possible huge surprise at the end of this month.