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08/20/23 11:59 AM

#101036 RE: Demolition Man #101035

I’ve never seen any executive or director at Niocorp buy a share other than MS. Could be wrong but I don’t think so. I guess the GXII diectors will show up when their $.003/ shares in Elk Creek RC vest and convert into NB.

Maybe Carrabba bought a tiny amount once.


08/20/23 12:12 PM

#101037 RE: Demolition Man #101035

Demolition, I don’t know. Normally these guys get shares and share options as part of their overall compensation. Officers often are required or supposed to hold two to three years annual salary in shares.My experience is that a lot think that’s enough for loyalty and personal exposure. They have also families to support. Depending on personal wealth some may go the extra mile and buy shares for their own account.


08/20/23 6:32 PM

#101043 RE: Demolition Man #101035


Have phase 3 results been buried or what? They can’t hide bad or good results. I’m in fire Mark.