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08/19/23 4:36 PM

#385363 RE: rdfdr1 #385361

No. No-one has positive's opinion about SequestOx, not even the CEO. He did say the patent technology could be applied to another drug, but SequestOx is dead. No-one is going to pay through the nose for a drug just because someone else can't stop snorting the drug. Why make non-drug addicts pay extra money (alot of extra money because opioids are cheap!) when they aren't the problem. There is no profitable market for an anti-abuse opioid. That is why Pfiser didn't launch. The approach the FDA has taken instead was to crack down on the people writing prescriptions and drug companies filling excess prescriptions so there is less of the drugs on the market. That approach seems to be s working. The work around for drug addicts is to buy fake opioids with Fentanyl or the horse medicine.

Pharma Sleuth

08/19/23 8:05 PM

#385377 RE: rdfdr1 #385361

The tech works, it can work on any opioid. I suspect it can be used to do similar with Adderall ER. I haven't looked into it much. They have multiple ways of abuse deterrence now. Patents all over the place on different things.

As far as the desire for more abuse deterrent drugs? Who knows. Strange times. A good argument can be made that it lead to fetanl boom. There would be a market and maybe the pharma approach to abuse deterrence gains some traction. Question is the juice worth the squeeze? The company is loaded with capabilities.