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08/18/23 2:24 AM

#265989 RE: faithabides #265986

A GUESS based un intangible proof.

That's part of the problem.

KBLB's approach of "believe what I say year in and out, whether or not I can actually prove to you" approach, wears thin after several years.

They remain covered via forward-looking statements, so if things don't work out, it's onto the next year.

Even when Kim anticipates "coming weeks," it provides some with a sense of false hope; imaginary security.

He is making a pretty good guess on this year.


Saying that much, is enough to accuse you of spreading doom and gloom...

The fact that it remains a real possibility is definitely a GOING CONCERN.

No one will be happy to wait until next year. That could be quite disastrous for the sp.


He admitted to selling once...

To be quite honest, there's no proof either way, more hasn't occurred over the years.

The day some shareholders simply make statements, without being able to provide any evidence, is upon us.

Frig merely choosing between the optimist or pessimist stance.

REALITY is, hypotheticals based upon management's assumptions SOLELY, haven't panned out to show market appreciation.

One would think with being in the riskiest of markets, would accompany a mere scintilla of evidence...

This has not been the case and the market is paying attention.

They raise the question:

Since he never sells, I guess it doesn’t matter too much in that case.
