IMO, and the opinion of Bill Still and Rand Paul among others, the US Treasury was hijacked by the Federal Reserve Act passed late 1913 going into effect 1914 which brought the roaring 20's we've been paying for ever since through endless war and debt slavery in a boom bust economic cycle. First by monetary expansion, then by financial contraction, corporations are grown around them then shackled by debt chains for their pleasure of control. That was the birth of American Greed along with the IRS which was a part of the packaged deal. That's right, there was no income tax from 1776 to 1914 because there was no interest to be paid on US Treasury issued currency to a Privately-owned, for profit Central Bank DBA The Federal Reserve Bank whose in control of the US Treasury's mint today. That's who wants power and control over the GSE Twins. The US Treasury was made a dog on their leash in 1914.