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08/15/23 8:45 AM

#265710 RE: bananarama #265708

Perfectly stated, B-man!


08/15/23 2:10 PM

#265731 RE: bananarama #265708

Noobs, pay attention:
Some people on this board think viable silk - enough to launch Spydasilk that hasn’t happened in a year and a half since it was announced to happen within “weeks” - is sitting in a warehouse just waiting for the right blend to be determined and/or for production to “ramp up” to meet “demand”. They would be wrong on all counts. The company’s 10-Q shows the same $6K amounts for “inventory” over multiple quarters. Further that “inventory” may or may not even be viable silk. Funny how the company won’t say. Regardless, even if it’s ALL viable silk, six grand ain’t enough to launch a clothing line - not even close - so that should dispel the myth that far too many still somehow believe.

Even the great SS clothing reveal is ready but on hold until production reaches proper levels.”

No, Banana, it’s not ready. Believing it’s ready is a pipe dream.

Repeating the same old bullshit day in and day out will not change a damn thing.”

Correct. Neither repeating the same rah-rah cheerleading statements nor the same negative remarks about Kim/KBLB will change anything. The difference between the two camps are that the naysayers have a LOT more hard empirical data from 10-Q forms (and PR promises/implications that never came to pass) to support speculation about the company whereas the cheerleaders have less of such, all coupled with the ever-dwindling share price reflecting the company’s prospects. It’s late in the 4th quarter and only a “Hail Mary” pass will give KBLB a small chance to survival without further dilution. The problem is KBLB has no quarterback at this point and the AF is the only entity that can fill that role and they have yet to step onto the field. Even if they do throw a pass, Kim has to catch it and get to the end zone (some kind of commercial quantity of viable silk) and THAT is definitely no certainty. Just a bunch of maybe-ifs are keeping the pps as “high” as it is. The clocks ticking…. All this negativity is coming from a shareholder. Yes, I still own shares, just not “enough” in the eyes of some cheerleaders to deserve a voice here. I hope something good comes to “pass” but I certainly wouldn’t want newbies to be misled by unabashed cheerleading that could taint KBLB’s grim reality. I’m trying to spend less time on this board but I still have to take a dump or two every day allowing me to comment on this turd of a company and turd of a stock while leaving a turd in the bowl.

There are two things which will change everything in regards to KBLB, time and patience.”

WRONG. First, time is KBLB’s enemy as it’s running out of cash, has no product and dilution awaits if nothing else changes. Even worse, a shareholder must consider that Kim likely has more than enough in his retirement account/s to retire right now even if the pps went to zero. I can’t see anyone paying anything remotely close to the current pps if he were to leave so there’s that as a not-often-discussed but very real concern about the company. Patience is usually a virtue but regarding KBLB, it doesn’t seem to be, and may even be foolhardy given the decade+ amount of time some have been invested given the very real time cost of money. A strong mutual fund nets 10% annually (many a lot more) and in 10 years that’s 2.5x one’s money. 13 years would’ve yielded 3x. Depending on what one’s average cost is further multiplies the pain, or eases it if you’re one of the lucky handful who’ve got a $.01 average cost.

“…perhaps it is time to find a new home, another stock and another board.”

“Naysayers go away”, is a ridiculous notion. I’m good with all my tech/AI and energy stocks (or rather they’re good to me) so none of my holdings demand posting on a board but KBLB, despite the tiny position’s size. As long as I’m still a shareholder (which will likely be the case until late December), I’ll be back. Even thereafter I imagine infrequently returning to this board in 2024 and even 2025 (if the company lasts) just for the pure entertainment value.

Lastly, it’s, “…everything in regard to KBLB”, or better yet, “Regarding KBLB, there are two things…”.