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08/13/23 8:03 PM

#89 RE: TooFrank #88

To be clear, woke is not political, but it has been politically weaponized by bad-faith actors, mostly on the right. Being “woke” is not a term exclusive to the realm of social justice; it’s a decades-old slang in Black communities, meaning to “be aware. The Right has made “anti-woke” a rallying cry among the poorly educated and easily misled. The boogeyman framing around “woke” is intentional. In 2021, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott complained about “woke supremacy,” a term with inescapable echoes of “White supremacy”— creating a deeply racist, false equivalency that pandered to a faction of the GOP in his state. It’s a shame so many have fallen for this nonsense.


08/13/23 8:05 PM

#90 RE: TooFrank #88

Tyranny? Good lord. It’s amazing how the simple minded have been led astray into believing this utter rubbish.