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08/09/23 3:37 PM

#66485 RE: Major Profits #66481

The SEC has never brought action or filed a complaint against what you refer to as a paid basher. But the SEC has filed many complaints and 3 paid pumpers did time in Federal Prison.

The paid basher myth was started in 2000 and many novice investors bought into it.

Post anything mildly critical on a stock message board, and chances are someone will eventually call you a paid basher. No matter how cogent your argument.

This is how it started:

"Confessions of a Paid Basher”

To prove “paid bashers” exist, message board regulars will post this Confessions of a Paid Basher, allegedly written by a guilt-ridden employee of Global Calumny Funds in Stamford, CT...

The first version of the “Paid Basher Confession” was posted as a joke in November, 2000 to the Raging Bull message board by Steve Tracy, aka Firebird_1965.

Tracy claimed to work for a boiler room operation in Stamford, Connecticut called Franklin Andrews Kramer & Edelstein."

As you can see it is FAKE.

Sharp is destroying his tickers with his incompetence.

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08/09/23 3:54 PM

#66487 RE: Major Profits #66481

Many years ago Janice Shell was written about in Fortune Magazine.

"October 26, 1998
(FORTUNE Magazine)

The unofficial queen of the cybervigilantes is Janice Shell, a art historian who lives in Milan and got hooked on busting online con men after she was burned in an Internet investment scheme two years ago. A tireless--even obsessive--pursuer of online malefactors, Shell says she spends 12 hours a day trolling the Internet, looking for crooks. Thanks to this single-minded dedication, she has become a celebrity--at least to those who hang out on Silicon Investor."

The Article is very long but Janice is well known for busting scams as well as nodummy and Tenkay. It is educational to read anything they post.

"Cybersleuth: is an individual who uses the resources available on the World Wide Web for research. Generally applied to someone who ferrets out information about organizations, policies and procedures from the abundance of material available on-line."

Over the years we have shutdown many OTC scams. There more than a few that have been involved - to name a few Surfcast, Huggy Bear, now we have Yolo... At least a dozen more.