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08/08/23 6:33 PM

#49613 RE: trackkwizzard #49612

Patents were sold long before 2010 LoL proven time and time again on this board with links to the SEC Financial filings.

king oil

08/08/23 10:56 PM

#49619 RE: trackkwizzard #49612

Nobody pays for expired patents. Sorry. You’re in for a big disappointment.

king oil

08/10/23 10:47 AM

#49664 RE: trackkwizzard #49612

For the 9000th time. The answer is simple. Telogis didn’t buy rmtd. They purchased assets in foreclosure from the creditors. Tina Shilling and Keith Moore explained that years ago. You choose to ignore the people closest to the situation. Apparently reality is too painful for you?