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08/08/23 2:18 PM

#248554 RE: biocqr #248553

Thanks. That does sound plausible but I saw a message from him some months ago where he revealed other intentions. He quickly edited the message within the 15 minute window to remove the information and sadly I didn't screenshot it when I had the chance. I am preparing to report Jake directly to the Investorshub admins as he is a disturbance to this community. Your post is a very cogent summary of his "work" regardless of his motive and will be helpful in that effort. He can post his low-quality commentary on the ENTA board.


08/08/23 3:25 PM

#248555 RE: biocqr #248553

About 8 years ago I stopped working as an admin on a HCV bulletin board.
I did it just shy of a decade. It was a fabulous experience and gave me an interesting and unique perspective.
I could see the actual IP of members (this was before dynamic IPs).
I once saw a guy who I believe was contemplating suicide who created a newbie membership of a guy contemplating suicide; member #1 was trying to talk member #2 (himself) out of it . People are often not who you think or who they represent themselves to be.

My opinion is that Jake probably has little power to move the stock. My view is that the people who actually know more are not going to be moved. Those who don't know much may be like likely to be scared out of their position. I don't think Jake is going to influence Blackrock. : )
But on a thinly traded stock, perhaps.

The fact that Jake has posted 150 times and has zero followers tells you that few informed people here see great value in his posts. His posts are all negative, not informative, confuse fact with opinion, and obfuscate reality.
He's not an oracle- far from it.

I was assuming that if there was an agreement it would be announced at the presentation. At market close I saw that there wasn't. I knew the stock would drop. That's the market talking.

Does anybody here doubt that EDP-235 is superior to Paxlovid?
That Covid is magically ending?
That there is a market for a better covid antiviral or possibly another label?
Jake acted either like he didn't know there was such a thing as a trial for non-inferiority.
He has said that there cannot be phase 3 covid antiviral trials.
So he is either correct, lying deliberately or ignorant.
Draw your own conclusions.

Like the title of the film; Money Never Sleeps- money rotates out until it's time to rotate in.
Catastrophe or opportunity? It is interesting hearing people's views.
That's why a bulletin board can be very valuable- if you know who to listen to and who to tune out.
Just my humble opinion.
20 minutes before the close today Enanta is down 55 cents.
Big deal.