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08/08/23 1:45 PM

#161649 RE: SmellMyFinger #161648

Been quiet lately.


08/08/23 1:45 PM

#161650 RE: SmellMyFinger #161648

No updates from Ashley. He's been asked multiple times on Twitter through out July and has not responded to any of them except once on July 10th to say, "Stay tuned!" LOL. I'm sure the next update will be either it fell through or another good ole Ashley staple that goes something like this, just waiting on one more thing, very soon, coming soon, almost there, finish line in sight, or some other BS to buy a little more time until his next rug pull.

Does that sound familiar....

here's an excerpt: Jeffrey Green, writing in The Balance, defines market manipulation as “an intentional effort to deceive and defraud investors by artificially affecting the supply or demand for a security and driving its price up or down. Those who orchestrate artificial price movements then profit from them at the expense of other investors.”

According to a story in the Washington Post, Company insiders are selling stock during buyback programs and making additional profits when stock prices jump. And it’s legal.

Gary Putka, writing in The Washington Post, describes the stock manipulation in the company Activision Blizzard by company insiders which was $1 billion program to buy back its own shares. A day after the company announced the buyback plan, Bobby Kotick, Activision’s CEO, sold nearly 4 million shares for $180.8 million. Putka reports: “The average share price of his sales was 15 percent higher than he would have gotten before the stock rose on the news. A total of five top Activision officials had sold shares totaling over $430 million, according to their filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.”

IMO, Ashely stops a run in 2021 to drive it down, insiders buy, Ashley tries to pump and makes big claims, such as his YES, stock buyback to the tune of about 1 BILLION share. He's manipulated this stock price SO much it leads ME to believe that he has his insiders, could they be past employees that received stock but were let go and that means they are not part of the company anymore, so they could then be and insider who is now outside the company. This is an example of what Could be happening, but if you have a better explanation of so many turns and twists WHY DON'T YOU TRY AND PROVE ANYTHING ASHELY HAS STATED HE'S COMPLETED OR THAT IS IN THE WORKS......

Oh Ashley you little stinker, we know all these things were so close.