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08/08/23 11:59 AM

#134979 RE: biowin #134978

They're either losers in life or losers in life. We are either losers here or BIG winners.

That simple. $BIOAQ


08/09/23 2:23 PM

#135038 RE: biowin #134978

You are delusional - Your stock is worthless - you can keep posting old press releases but that isn't going to change that you lost your entire investment.

"posting about Bioamber 3 to 5 am why if the shares are worthless, who does that? Also here to spy for any lawsuits for holding and manipulating the deal to make shareholders give up, so someone is behind this group paying to delay eg. KKR/Lcyb"

Some might do it because the few true believers are hilarious - especially you.

The Judge ordered a liquidation because no one was interested in buying Bioamber as a going concern as they would be responsible for the debt. So the Judge ordered Bioamber liquidated and it was - Trader59 posted the information about what was liquidated.

But you are so delusional you believe that there are secret deals, NDAs (in a bankruptcy hearing which would be bankruptcy fraud) - but the true believers ignore the Federal Bankruptcy laws - and post more pinkyland wishful thinking rather than facts.

Only those that lost more than they could afford to lose are still posting about the fictional secret contracts.