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- Doctor Nio Bium -

08/08/23 1:03 PM

#100095 RE: NorCalTommy #100061

Excellent Post/ Reply NorCalTommy!

We are truly in a time where the majority of the U.S. News is controlled/ owned by those that are Establishment/ Globalist (or benefit from/ are in their circles). Facts are facts...and a turd CANNOT be spun into a diamond...but yet we're told to avoid the obvious...and follow the shiney object/ believe the irrational (non factual) spin.

To do factual "Due Diligence", "Connect The Dots" factually & unrelated to party affiliation bias, and to see the corruption/ feel the results of the corrupt behavior & decision making by those on somehow to be ignored and chalked off to "Conspiracy Theory". There is no longer debate because those of ill intent can't debate what they know to be "ill" they deflect...and say "You're a conspiracy theorist!" The reality is if it smells like shit, looks like shit, and is analyzed in a lab as shit...IT'S SHIT!...Plain & simple. At this point...if you're fervently called a conspiracy theorist by these means that you are "over the target" and on to them...especially when you come into the arena with facts. Scary are the complacent public/ the herd drinking the news media lies like Kool Aid...following perhaps party affiliation or just don't want to fact collect (again, Due Diligence unrelated to party affiliation)...but just want to believe the current conspiracy theory comment lie. Again, the truth hurts!...& Especially hurts those of ill intent lying to you.

I am a person whose occupation involves science. Facts are facts in math and science...and you can't spin a turd into a diamond. When I do my Due Diligence & Connect The it pertains to what's happening around me as well as the stock market...I do it as a scientist...without bias, emotion, or party affiliation...just collecting FACTS and putting them together in an unbiased rational/ logical/ factual way.

Thanks again for your great and perceptive post NCT!

Best Regards ALWAYS! Friend.

Dr. Niobium