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- Doctor Nio Bium -

08/08/23 2:16 AM

#100055 RE: AlwaysOptimistic #100054

Here is my reply AO:

In pun intended...the choice of the rich and nefarious...Hedge Funds!

That being said, please continue to read what I posted on 7/11/23 (Post #98283) that I copied before they deleted it to explain more...IMO again:

Niocorp Developments Ltd (NB)
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- Doctor Nio Bium -

Re: None

Tuesday, 07/11/2023 10:41:18 PM

Let's Get Real "Bona Fide" Niocorp Shareholders....

The World/ U.S. Political-Business Establishment & Globalists DO NOT WANT NIOCORP TO SUCCEED IMO. They are sold out to China & other foreign entities...& Don't want a U.S. Company that "has the goods" (like Niocorp) with rare earth minerals et. flourish. Now these Establishment/ Globalist elites have an immense amount of equity and influence...and have an inner connection with the stock market / "the market makers" involved with share price. I said this two years ago...that this stock is being manipulated...and there have been points in this stock's history where the stock would jump up without positive or any news...and barely go up or go down with positive last week until today. It rarely follows any conventional stock charts as well many other companies that may pose a threat or may not be "the chosen ones" (at the time) by The Powers That does not & will not trade conventionally until something forces it (that's out of their control) or they allow it to be freed.

Since we have moved to a higher stock exchange...there has been a presence of hired "Bashers" on this Board (IMO) that want to make this stock/ company sound like it's on the road to nowhere...and release you of your shares and make you believe what a bad investment this is. I feel that Niocorp is being held back because of Globalist/ Establishment policy & manipulation...and the lack of a reasonable increment in price increase after some great news is completely ridiculous IMO. I could care less if we're mining right now or not. Niocorp has shown that it "Has The Goods" and that it can mine "Cleanly"...& There is ZERO reason to not have all the financial backing and intense mining happening right now...other than the corrupt "red tape" by "The Big Wig Establishment/ Globalists" to physically hold it down as well as to suppress its share price at multiple points in its history despite solid and positive PR's. Other stocks have been shown to boom with much less positive news.

All food for thought, but this is how I see it through the lens of eliminating emotion (with this roller coaster investment), staying focused on the available due diligence, and knowing that "cash is king" and "corruption abounds" with those looking for this company to fail. The beauty is at least with Niocorp being at a higher level stock exchange, manipulation becomes more difficult than being a Penny OTC / Pink Sheet Stock...which is why I feel Niocorp did everything "under the sun" to move us to the Nasdaq/ a Higher Stock Exchange...even if it cost existing Shareholders some precious shares. Survival is "the key" right now...& "Bona Fide" Niocorp Shareholders can reap the rewards of whatever shares they have in the future IMO...As Longs!

Good luck to ALL the REAL & "BONA FIDE" NIOCORP SHAREHOLDERS!...& I remain Long and Strong!

Best Regards,

Dr. Niobium
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NioCorp Developments Ltd
-0.01 (-0.20%)
Volume: 140,507
Day Range: 4.975 - 5.219
Bid: 4.93
Ask: 5.19
Last Trade Time: 7:09:38 PM EDT
Total Trades: 715
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