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08/08/23 7:54 PM

#71 RE: fink #70

Yea, you must listen to some of the similar news I do.

Yes, apparently when he met with the queen he told
her they were ending their relationship and we’re going
to dissolve the relationship with the Vatican-as you
mentioned and our reliance on the Vatican- that is why
the queen let him walk in front of her for a couple steps,
Till he ushered her to come foreword.

From what I heard it was 600 planes worth.

And now one can see, why the Vatican was involved in
the election..interference…which will come out.
Their is so much proof statistically and legally- with
changing election laws-ie Pennsylvania who allowed
votes to be sent 5 days after election night…I could
go on for paragraphs, but I won’t…..

Getting back to silver, glad you have so much…never
know…with the way the dollar is going and how much
this administration gives away money….silver could be
A cash cow….and a life saver..