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08/05/23 12:57 PM

#450689 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

What 'exists in you mind', or the mind of Trump and his supporters, is the product of misinformation, conspiracy theories and wishful thinking. It has zero point shit to do with the CHARGES, 70 counts, of criminal behavior that have been brought, are in the process of being brought, against the orange man.

Everything in your mind, if presented in court, would be objected to by the prosecution as irrelevant, calls for speculation, hearsay.......and more.

Some common objections include:

1. Irrelevant. That the testimony pursuant to a question asked or the particular item of evidence is not relevant to the case.
2. The witness is incompetent.
3. Violation of the best evidence rule.
4. Violation of the hearsay rule.
5. Speculative. That the question calls for the witness to speculate about something.
6. Leading. When the question posed by the attorney seeks to lead the witness to make an assertion.
7. Violation of the parol evidence rule.
8. Repetitive. (also Asked and answered). The question has already been asked and answered.

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08/05/23 12:58 PM

#450690 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

Once again, there were no irregularities in the 2020. Everything was investigated, not once, not twice but challenged over 60 times, they found nothing. As for 70 million, again 84 million said the opposite, welcome to America. No one agrees on anything, especially trump supporters. Trump supporters believe a dead John Kennedy is coming back to lead them.
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08/05/23 1:04 PM

#450691 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

Why has any American, let alone an ex president acted so irrationally, been so fucking stupid, and embarrassed this nation by so many courts, and has loss so many court cases in New York, New Jersey Florida , and been suck a fuck up his entire life. That's why 70 million Americans supported him in one election. He is fucking crazy, you like crazy, you keep on defending him. That's your problem, not ours, maybe you need to ask yourself why you want to follow anyone who demonstrates insanity.
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08/05/23 1:21 PM

#450692 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

10 Trump election lies his own officials called false

By Daniel Dale, CNN
Updated 2:34 PM EDT, Thu June 16, 2022


Fact check: Trump, in 2023, tells a new lie about the 2020 election

By Daniel Dale, CNN
Published 3:56 PM EDT, Tue April 25, 2023

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08/05/23 1:46 PM

#450693 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

Once again, it's a presidential election, you usually have two choices, you vote this one or that one. Most Republicans will never vote for a Democrat, and most democrats will never vote republican. I cannot believe you actually believe that because your candidate got 70 million votes that means something. My next door neighbor votes, and one day we were talking and he said he votes because he does not like one candidate. So I asked, so you like the other one, and he said no, but between the two he really did not like one.
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08/05/23 1:51 PM

#450694 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

The January 6th, 2021 insurrection was enough for me. Trump sat in his office watching the show and did nothing to stop it. Not 11 minutes like Bush did when America was getting attacked with planes, and that was too long. Trump failed, he was guilty of not protecting America from attack. From all ene, foreign and domestic, that was the oath he swore upon the Bible when he took office. So yes he he was guilty of dereliction of duty of the office of president that he swore to protect.
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08/05/23 10:16 PM

#450734 RE: livefree_ordie #450688

Trump, let's say has been convicted in the court of opinion of reasonable and rational minds of America. In that court those minds are open to evidence and argument.

"What has he been convicted of here? I understand you seem to believe he is guilty of all these things."

In that court those minds choose to be relatively free of false facts and diversion. In that court minds are relatively free to believe what they choose to believe. More relatively free than many outside of that court. And that court is fully open to leaving others to believe what they choose to believe. That leaves you to choose wherever you choose to be.

You have heard of the court of public opinion before. The court of which i speak is a subset of that larger public court, to be sure you are clear.

Just have a look at these images again .. . There you go.