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08/05/23 9:32 AM

#450678 RE: livefree_ordie #450672

Trump has always hated this country, America said no to him in New York City, then New Jersey said no, the American Banks said no to him, why. Because Trump lied to all of them, he stole billions of dollars and used lawyers and courts to stall results until every one was exhausted.


08/05/23 11:20 AM

#450683 RE: livefree_ordie #450672

Please state clearly the specific policies that meet that description.

It was his policies about being Pro-America and American.

Irresponsibly downplaying the Covid pandemic...disparaging social distancing and masking, holding super spreader rallies, riffing on junk science remedies.......killed Americans. That's was a very un-American policy.

A man who equivocates about 'many fine people on both sides', when one side has Nazis is not standing up for America. He's being, yes, un-American.

Nor was he standing up for America when he stood next to Putin and marveled at Pooty's great strength and power in lying to Trump's face about the Russian interference in our elections that all of our intel agencies had confirmed as happening. That was a very un-American, very disgraceful moment; it was a disgrace. (Sometimes I lapse into Trumpeese in my writing.)

Trying to hold on to power by embracing lies about a stolen election is fascist. Trump didn't just wake up as a fascist on 1/6. Fascism is very un-American.

Moving boxes of stolen docs around to avoid detection is obstruction. Very un-American for an ex-president.

Trump's un-Americanism has legs, so noting his current and continuing disgraceful conduct is fair game.

He's a disgrace.


08/05/23 4:14 PM

#450705 RE: livefree_ordie #450672

Ah, his policies. Guess you more mean his promises. How on balance did they work out. He used to be pro-abortion, but he ran as a Republican, you know the anti-woman results still ongoing there. His trade policies did not bring more jobs back. His border rhetoric did not in the end improve the situation there. He brought only uncertainty and anxiety to friends on the world stage. In fact on balance he promised to MAGreatA, but in reality he did more to MAGrossA. If you disagree please be specific on how and why.