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08/04/23 12:51 AM

#124574 RE: BigfootSlapper #124572

Can’t justify your actual pumps on this ticker, so you show my posts from a different board, and they aren’t even pumps you jackass.

Focus on this ticker and the $30K you are still down here.

Looks like you need some Preparation H, to cool that hole of yours, after Savior screwed you and every other pumper who went all in on him.

You’re pissed that I smelled that rat as soon as he was hired, or maybe that was your stench, and now you and the pump crew has enough crow to eat for the next 10 days, until the next helping comes when the Q2 gets filed.

Crawl back into bed with Mommy, and don’t touch the stove again.
Or do. Don’t care.

I wonder how many shares I sold at .0009, and how much profit was banked. Got any idea, BWS?