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07/30/23 11:33 AM

#17276 RE: cabos_tacos #17275

It’s a lot deeper than that. Being ignorant of your own ignorance while having that ill-informed support to keep you there has been around for a long time. Today sensational BS is the rule, facts are boring, especially if they don’t support why, you should fear and hate as you been told. If you don’t understand why, there is certainly someone to explain the view point you should have. A sampling could be my top four over the last several years, the Bowling massacre, PURE BS, never happened, Jewish space lasers, pure BS, never happened, Covid is a myth, 1.3 million Americans died, not a myth, or lately climate change is a hoax, nope it’s real. In fact, the majority of the super Pac money the Rep’s get is from oil, gas and coal. It’s ok if they get record profits, killing the planet is an afterthought. All supported by sensational BS to keep that game going. But it’s nothing new, go back 20 years and we started a war because a country couldn’t turn over the yellow cake they didn’t have. Proven over the last 20 years to be correct, over and over.. Of course, back then that was caught almost right away and they quickly switched to the 911 theme. However, they couldn't explain why 19 of the 20 terrorists were Saudi nationalists. None were from the country they invaded. In fact, the country had no part in it. Want to go further back How about another 20 years. Trickledown economics. Made the poor, poorer, killed off 1/3 of the middle class and created the biggest wealth separation from rich to poor this country has ever seen. All above has been, proven over and over again. But if your ignorant of your own ignorance and get sucked in by another’s BS, well, that’s on you. No sympathy from me. Today, if anything the BS is even more profound. We have major news stations that aren’t, one who is heavy into the BS, isn’t even a news station, no they are licensed for entertainment only, and that’s how they get away with it. Then we have a showman, a proven conman, bs artist, that because of the media that is fully right wing supportive to give cover, is allowed to lie at will. Just don’t fact check him, you’ll have a heart attack. There will be a day of reckoning, and IMO it will be brutal, but for now you may wish to grab a snickers, it’s going to be awhile. All IMO.