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07/28/23 9:10 PM

#89996 RE: 1maga1 #89983

That's rich, 1maga1. MY motives are suspect, but the motives of the various non-bashers, pumpers or otherwise, are not:

Like the ones who post how this is a "zip code changer" while they are flipping repeatedly for profit
Like the ones saying BUY! BUY! BUY! even as they are selling
Like the ones who can NEVER admit that they were ever wrong about any stock they've pumped that was a dog, EVER.
Like the ones who predict ridiculous and unrealistic share prices
Like the ones who repeatedly make up excuses for the failures of a company and then say, "Oh THAT was the PAST" even though the same dubious characters are still involved

You want to WARN the "new people" about ME, but the hearts of every pumper poster on this board is as pure as the driven snow???

I have never advised that ANYONE buy. Nor have I ever advised that ANYONE not buy. And I have never advised ANYONE to sell. I don't care what people decide to do. I don't care about the share price. And I don't believe anyone can be saved. But why are MY motives suspect and not the motives of every other poster on this board? Just because they own shares? How stupid is that?

Most importantly, why are MY motives suspect and not $mONI CEO Frank Ottaviani's, who lied about the gold acquisitions, or former consultant/promoter Frank Benedetto, who said he was here for the duration but what did he actually DO, or current consultant/promoter Daniel Borders, who is speaking privately to some investors and possibly disclosing inside information but who would know, cuz it's private?

I think y'all are focusing on the wrong sh*t.