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07/28/23 2:28 PM

#139478 RE: Major Profits #139467

There are no “altruistic” persons on these anonymous chat boards.
The truly altruistic are running food banks, giving of their time to habitat for humanity or otherwise volunteering for similar worthy causes.
To even imply your “altruism” approaches that level is hypocrisy to the highest degree.
People get involved in stocks to make money. Period. It’s what the stock market is designed for.
When people bad mouth a stock anonymously, they’re either shorting or looking for a lower entry. Period.
Mother Theresa and her kind don’t frequent IHub.
Most IHub posters are basic retail buyers who purchase stock hoping it will go up.
I have no issue with them posting their expectations. It does not affect my buying or selling strategy or that of many others.
Some lonely souls such as yourself may be here for the social interaction or the slight entertainment offered. Fine.
Everyone knows money controls the world and is the prime motivator for billions.
Most will do anything for it if offered enough. Many work at jobs they hate for it.
Few are altruistic. Your actions and posts on IHub prove you are not in that select group.