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07/27/23 4:02 PM

#53152 RE: married50 #53150

yeah, he makes it up as he goes as if it has been a revelation. Anything can happen. One thing for sure, BiBi is against NATO(biden) pushing Russia, China, Iran into a coalition. I will venture out to say that should Net come close to losing control because of the biden led neo libs and the Supreme Court fiasco, he will take out Iran before he is taken out. Without a doubt we are living in exciting times no matter what side of the line one finds themself. Because I am an optimist albeit cautious, Zion Oil and Zion will prevail IMO.
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07/28/23 3:20 PM

#53153 RE: married50 #53150

Would you believe chatGTP?

QUESTION: Does the Prime Minister of Israel require majority support to rule?

chatGTP ANSWER: "The political system in Israel is a parliamentary democracy. The Prime Minister of Israel is usually the leader of the political party or coalition that holds the majority of seats in the Knesset, which is the Israeli parliament.

In order to become the Prime Minister, the individual needs the support of a majority of members in the Knesset. Israel has a multi-party system, and it is rare for any single party to win an outright majority of seats in the 120-seat Knesset. As a result, after each general election, the President of Israel typically consults with the elected representatives to determine which party or coalition has the best chance of forming a government with majority support.

The President then tasks the leader of that party or coalition with forming a government, and if they successfully gain the support of at least 61 members (a majority) of the Knesset, they become the Prime Minister and can form the government.

It's worth noting that the dynamics of coalition building in Israeli politics can be complex and may involve negotiations, compromises, and sometimes shifts in alliances to reach the required majority. As a result, the composition of the government and the Prime Minister's position can be subject to change based on political developments and shifts in support within the Knesset."

A little more info for you....
chatGTP ANSWER: "If the Prime Minister of Israel loses a majority support in the Knesset (the Israeli parliament), there are several possible scenarios that can unfold, depending on the specific circumstances and political dynamics at the time. Here are some potential outcomes:

Resignation: The Prime Minister may choose to resign if they no longer have enough support to govern effectively. This resignation can lead to the formation of a new government with a different Prime Minister candidate.

Formation of a New Coalition: The Prime Minister could attempt to form a new coalition with different political parties to regain majority support in the Knesset. This often involves negotiations and compromises to build a new government.

No-Confidence Vote: The Knesset could hold a vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister. If the no-confidence vote is successful, the Prime Minister and their government would be removed from office.

Snap Elections: If efforts to form a new coalition fail, the President of Israel can call for new elections. Snap elections are early elections that allow voters to elect a new Knesset, potentially leading to a different political composition and a new Prime Minister."