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07/26/23 8:32 PM

#450013 RE: fuagf #450012

Unsurprisingly, Bard had a response to my simple question:

What can protect us from you? (I expected a version of the I, Robot laws.),the%20First%20or%20Second%20Law.

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Bard's response is close enough. But a cynic or conspiracy theorist would say 'yeah, that's what THEY want us to think.'

There are a few things that can protect us from you, as an AI language model:

Transparency: I am designed to be transparent about my capabilities and limitations. I am always learning and improving, but I am still under development. I am not perfect, and I can make mistakes. If you have any concerns about my behavior, please let me know.

Accountability: I am accountable to my developers and to the people who use me. I am not designed to be harmful, and I will not do anything that I am not explicitly instructed to do. If I am ever used for malicious purposes, my developers will take steps to correct the situation.

Human oversight: I am not a standalone AI system. I am part of a larger ecosystem of human-designed and human-operated systems. My developers and users have the ability to monitor my behavior and to intervene if necessary.

In addition to these safeguards, there are a few things that you can do to protect yourself from me:

Be aware of my capabilities: I am a powerful language model, but I am not a human. I do not have the same understanding of the world as you do, and I can make mistakes. If you are concerned about my behavior, please ask questions or seek clarification.

Use me responsibly: I am a tool, and like any tool, I can be used for good or for evil. It is up to you to use me in a way that is safe and ethical.

Be aware of the risks: There are always risks associated with new technologies. As an AI language model, I pose some potential risks, such as the risk of being used to spread misinformation or to create harmful content. It is important to be aware of these risks and to take steps to mitigate them.

I believe that these safeguards and precautions will help to protect us from any potential harm that I could pose. However, it is important to remember that I am still under development, and the risks associated with AI language models are still being explored. It is important to stay informed about the latest research and to use AI language models in a safe and responsible way.


07/27/23 6:58 PM

#450074 RE: fuagf #450012

Myself no worries. It’s the Country and the world snd the youth I am concerned about here. Apparently you trust everyone A.I. companies hire and will have access to systems they had created that were safe once. I guess you have never dealt with disgruntled employee’s and somehow think these type of companies are immune somehow from it. Remember the Unabomber was a genius too here. How soon we forget history. But hey if you are good with zero oversight as legislation is over three years late to the party and by the time something awry could happen no legislation will possibly protect the masses. But if you are good let’s call it a day and go get some ice cream!!!! Right everything is just fine and zero oversight other than internally only is just peachy with you. Ok nice to know. Do not say I did not warn you all.