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08/03/23 3:47 AM

#8483 RE: solong #8482

Mark Hutchinson has spend years and a lot of money to deliver no results.

No idea about this supposedly great reputation aside from the fact that the best Hutchinson could do is end up as an executive at some rinky-dink OTC company, so it's clearly not -that- great.

I've met many OTC executives. Most are smart or at least cunning. None of them care about reputation because reputation doesn't matter in OTC promotions. "There is a sucker born every minute".

You say you don't think Kellner's investment is a positive, but then you keep insisting that the company operated by Kellner (Enteractive) is somehow the key to HDUP succeeding...

It's sweet, and hilarious, that you think Kellner is going to taint his Persec SPAC shell games by involving HDUP. There is a reason Kellner stole the only asset of value (CPT brand) and started a new company after ruining HDUP with a securities suspension.

You ask a lot of questions rhetorically, using the "appeal to authority" logical fallacy. And the answer to most of them is "people are getting paid"

Mark Hutchinson: paid a salary, and paid when HDUP acquires his worthless dormant companies.

Shields Legal Team: bills by the hour lulz

Share Count: dilution is not the only way to scam naive investors. I've explained many times how HDUP instead takes loans (on and off the books) it will never repay. That money is "spent" mostly on insiders.

"Let's see what happens next" It's been years of you insisting HDUP's promises are all ironclad guaranteed, and yet you seem quick to forget all the ones which have fizzled out. I've seen plenty of people equally invested in other OTC scams, there's always an excuse as to why -this- year will be the turnaround year. Maybe in 5+ years it will finally click for you about HDUP.