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07/25/23 10:21 AM

#138581 RE: Yolo #138576

Yes, it's the majority view and very true.
Investors are here to make money.
Bashers are here to make money flipping on volatility, sometimes self-created by spreading FUD.

Or, trying to get revenge against company management, for losing money.
This goes back to the birth of stock message boards.

There are no "saviors."
There are no "good samaritans."
Leave and go find stocks you like.
Google U. won't dictate how investors spend their gambling funds.


07/25/23 10:25 AM

#138582 RE: Yolo #138576

It's strange that all bashers do not have the same motive, but they all band together to trash a company anyway.

Doesn't seem to matter that some are complete losers, like the newer ones, and have questionable motives, yet they still are welcomed to the team

It's nice to see the board back to more respectful discussion tho


07/25/23 10:55 AM

#138591 RE: Yolo #138576

Yes the sky is blue, the grass is green, and EVERYBODY (I put that in caps so you wouldn’t miss it) who posts has an expectation they they will make money, either by the price rising or declining.
Their posts reveal how they hope things will turn out.
Despite your avowed nobility (and reliance on daddy’s money), you too have an interest and will lose or benefit by the price action of GVSI.
The posts themselves do not make money (other than for a very few).
They simply reveal the hopes and dreams of each poster.
And each has the same dream as every purchaser of a lottery ticket has.
Those interested in benefiting their fellow man start a food bank or participate in Habitats for Humanity.
They for sure don’t frequent IHub chat boards.
So chill out, LOL
