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07/25/23 6:30 AM

#47820 RE: pual #47819

Wow, that is the best you can do? As if it really matters one way or another since I'm not the one sitting on dead money. I will take that appraisal any day over those who have promoted this stock for years that have been wrong with every post. Yet the company will split and they will get back to selling shares because they have now liquidated and borrowed significantly more to cover. Stand by while they 'focus on an “asset light” business model.' Mean while try to flip those 3s for a tick or two and hope when the $hit hits the fan that there is enough volume to support your stop loss.

Ethema Executes Two Real Estate Transactions and Major Debt Repayment
July 17, 2023 09:34 ET

The Company will emerge from this transaction with a greatly streamlined cap table, an improved balance sheet, and a new focus on an “asset light” business model.

With these changes in hand, the Company is poised to raise new equity through its Reg A+ offering and to continue on with expansion and growth.