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07/24/23 9:48 AM

#138361 RE: Starlost #138358

Wrong and totally out of context.
Investors have been hit over the head with a constant flood of personally biased opinion, speculation and out of date facts.

"...Sharp has never brought in a single company of value into the OTC does rub them the wrong way..."

What Sharp did or didn't do years ago is irrelevant.
The constant drone of, "Wah...wah...Sharp has never done anything" is boring now.
It's what Sharp is poised to do, and the steps he's taken to clean up GVSI.

Investors are willing to place a risky bet Sharp will find a reverse merger candidate, just like he did before with TSNP.

NOBODY hangs around whining about how others invest or trade unless they have a personal vendetta, agenda or motive.
How I invest doesn't affect you one bit.

Don't like GVSI?
Don't like Sharp?
Don't like risk?
Try a nice sleepy bond fund.


07/24/23 10:10 AM

#138372 RE: Starlost #138358

You have a point of view. Whether I like it or not or agree with it or not I understand it and accept it. Like pointing out flaws in DD where conclusions are that of the poster and not what the DD shows and getting blasted for pointing that out generally speaking.

I don't recommended stocks to anyone nor will I ever do so. I don't hang out with stock groups. It's my money win, lose or draw when getting into a stock.

Altrustic people don't go out seeking to harm others so jumping into the proverbial rabbit hole with ones throwing Stones at each other solves nothing.

The term altruisim is used as the contrary of “self-interested” or “selfish” or “egoistic”—words applied to behavior that is motivated solely by the desire to benefit oneself. Antagonistic people whose aim is to hurt but not help others are not altruistists by definition. Don't trust such ones who claim to be but belie the claim.

Thanks for your response here. I'm tired of wading through comments filled with anger and hate on this site with the recent rules changes which IMHO was a horrible idea. It's not directed at anyone specifically. I understand why to a major degree but it's unfortunate. It's easy and human nature to lash out when ones attack you unfairly and respond in kind. I am guilty of falling into that trap myself of lashing out.

Good luck to you and everyone else in this. I will for the most part say good morning only here and stay watching the stock on the sidelines.

I'm a MOD on this board like a couple of others. If I remove myself from MOD from this point forward from the other boards I will most likely say. If I haven't left as a MOD that means I'm still interested in the stock whether I have shares or not which applies also to the other couple of boards I'm a MOD on.

If ADMIN has for whatever reason removed me (that can happen to MODs) I will say also so ones will know I haven't left the stock. I don't expect anyone to care one way or the other but just saying.

Good luck to you and others who are in this or claim not to be and have a great day ahead man.