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07/23/23 7:56 PM

#69886 RE: jimtash #69884

It's just an educated guess from thinking it through. This pic from June 29th is now over 3 weeks old and already the rail was on the stone wall at the tap room so it was nearing completion.

And this photo from Google, earlier in June already shows the plaster covered brick walls on the west and east side of the building.,-121.0189312,3a,75y,330.15h,90.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQDEl_peVv8eDg4_ix0dHFg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

And since the Google photo matches pretty closely with the June 20th photo from the same Facebook link above, they would have had a month of extra work completed since then. The poles for the sign are in and they could hang that sign in a half a day. Wherever and whomever is putting in the street lights should be able to do that within a week while indoor work would be going on at the same time. Same with the bike racks, likely installed by another contractor.

The trees can't take a nursery more than a week to plant, all while the other work is still going on. They probably needed most of the month to complete that extra building on the left side of the main building as you can see in the 2nd of 3 photo via this link below.

Plus, my guess is that they must feel compelled to open it ASAP, because the end of the school season is just 3 weeks away in mid-August. That means they will lose most of the college crowd and the parents who have to get their kids back to school.

Further, over the past year, BrewBilt typically has given us at least a 1 to 4 week lead time for upcoming events they have on their web site or via their Facebook posts. So it seems like this would be the ideal week to announce the date of their grand opening, instead of announcing it opening day. They get more publicity that way.

So it's just a logical conclusion that we should hear about the opening of the tap room any time now, if they plan on opening it in the first or second week of August, which is my best guess.

Now as far as any announcement about a hospitality contract, I've given up on trying to figure that out! At least we'll have a tap room that should give them decent profits, maybe enough to get a small $2 million starter construction loan in the spring, only about 7 months away, so they can start building the roads at the Phase II brewery. Their grocery store and bar sales, along with the tap room sales and profits, should be the ticket to get conventional debt. Should!

BrewBilt would definitely get some serious publicity if they announced the start of the construction phase of their much larger Phase II brewery early next year. That's not that far away!