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07/21/23 4:43 PM

#211074 RE: IH Admin [Meghan] (former) #211067

Yes, Admin has been very clear about, and very proud about, IHub being a Dictatorship.

Ignoring what others say is ignorant, and silence is acceptance.

Fighting fire with fire is called for, when it’s called for, and I can do it with the best, and the worst of them.

It’s not about getting along with people. There are no people on IHub, just aliases, and many of the aliases wouldn’t speak the way they do as people in the real world, certainly not to the face of the alias’s they spew their vitriol at on this forum.

Admin’s direction is always to “ignore” people who swear at them, create fake petitions to remove them, make statements of fact about them which are totally fiction, etc, rather then to eliminate that shit to have a board with decorum, as Shelly likes to talk about having.

Name calling is petty stuff and it’s annoying, but now that IHub has devolved into allowing, and perpetuating things like, “We know you’re a paid basher and knock, knock, it’s the SEC at your door”, or, “When the SEC puts you in jail for naked shorting as much as you have, I hope you enjoy picking up the soap”, then IHub, by acceptance, is perpetrating the loss of decorum, which Admin goes out of their way to call for and to even insult alias’s who complain about the lack of decorum.

It’s just a mud slinging contest now, and IHub seems happy to supply the mud.

lucky, mydog

07/22/23 5:53 PM

#211183 RE: IH Admin [Meghan] (former) #211067

geez luiise , you folks talk about ignores like it was some kind of panacea. it is not. as a matter of fact, that is horrible advise. history is replete with examples of atrocities commited behind the veil of ignorance. ignoring the wrongdoers allows evil to go unchecked. ignoring them is exactly what the scammers want you to do. the official ihub policy is wrongheaded and i will continue to do my part to make a mockery of it.

Scumbag Fraudsters

07/30/23 3:14 AM

#211625 RE: IH Admin [Meghan] (former) #211067

That's a great solution, Meghan. 💩 NOT! 💩

I'd be ignoring 50-75% of some boards if I did that, including posts that might be important even though they're posted by someone I'd like to ignore.

Seems to me, we didn't have all this trouble in the days of yore - pre-7/15/23.

Seems to me, attacks and complaints have increases exponentially since then.

What could that indicate and more importantly - what could be done about it?

It doesn't take a time machine to roll back the changes.