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07/21/23 12:15 PM

#35972 RE: tripmcneely #35970

The results show no such thing and that very statement literally proves one cant read and, most importantly, COMPREHEND!

The data did not show statsig for the trial objectives ie hospitalizations and death, but did show effectiveness re symptoms, which is why they tried to modify the ep's to symptom relief.

Anyone with two functioning brain cells and a basic understanding of the process saw that the reason for the lack of statsig was due to the evolution of the virus over time to less virulent forms and the fact that virtually all deaths were VERY OLD and VERY SICK people.

The composition of the persons recruited for the Buccy trial were only healthy people so in hindsight the ""death ep"", and to a lesser extent the hospitalization ep, of the trial was dead on arrival from the onset.

The comments here from a bunch of whiners says it all about the utter stupidity on one is to blame for any losses other than the investor who greedily went all in rather than playing the volatility since 2020.

Problem for the agitators is that those of us who did now own loads of FREE SHARES and as such cant be swayed by the yarn being spun by the ""army"" of planks here......keep posting in vain! lololsss
